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Din søgning gav: 2 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Waiting for the All Clear

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    Waiting for the All Clear

    Af Ben Wicks

    fra 1990 på forlaget Bloomsbury

    Kategorier: Anden verdenskrig, Engelsk, Historie:Europa

    pris: 80 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 553 gram

    Hardback med fejlfrit smudsomslag. September 1940 marked the beginning of a concentrated campaign of German air raids on Britain's cities that was to last more than seven months. The Blitz, as it became known, claimed the lives of some 40,000 British civilians and left hundreds of thousands of others wounded, bereaved or homeless. Now, 50 years later, some of the survivors recall the time. Ben Wicks compiled the book by placing advertisements in newspapers throughout the world, asking those who lived through the Blitz to write to him with their memories. Thousands of people responded, and the book contains the most moving, evocative and amusing of these recollections which are woven into a poignant work of eyewitness history.

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  2. Billede af bogen The Day They Took The Children

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    The Day They Took The Children

    Af Ben Wicks

    fra 1990 på forlaget Bloomsbury

    Kategorier: Anden verdenskrig, Erindringer

    pris: 60 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 500 gram

    This book contains the stories of Britiain's 3 500 000 evacuee children who where moved from the cities to hosts in the countryside during the Nazi bombardment of Britain , during World War II , told in their own words- often funny , often sad and always moving. This volume is illustrated by 200 beautiful and poignant photographs and other personal mementoes , often sent by the evacuees themselves to the author. The stories are quite diverse , in describing the experiences of the evacuee children , and the treatment recieved by their hosts. Paperback. 175 pages.

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