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  1. Billede af bogen Pictorial History of The Wild West

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    Pictorial History of The Wild West

    Af James D. Horan

    fra 1961 på forlaget Spring Books

    Oplag: 7.

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folklore, Historie:Verden

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1350 gram

    Hardback. Det illustrerede, gule smudsomslag mangler!! Så bogen Fremstår med blegrød indbinding og guldbogstaver på ryggen. A True Account of the Bad Men, Desperados, Rustlers, and Outlaws of the Old West- and the Men Who Fought Them to Establish Law and Order. This is a hard hitting, profusely illustrated history of the real, bloody and lawless Wild West, of the hardened criminals that populated it and of the lawmen that hunted them down. This is not the romanticised West presented in so many films, but the real thing. The criminals, men and women, are not heroes (nor even anti-heroes) but ruthless, venal, bloodthirsty, stupid, desperate and even, sometimes, pathetic. The lawmen are brave, certainly, but also mercenary and self-seeking in some cases. This book pulls no punches, and some of the photographs are downright chilling. As published in newspapers of the time, there is a portrait study of Jesse James, dead and laid out for his funeral; of Ned Christie, also dead, propped up against a photographer's board; of the entire Dalton gang, laid out on the sidewalk ready for the undertaker. We also have the grim history of the Old West's premier hangman, George Maledon. But there is far more to this book than a collection of gruesome images. Here are the stories of Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral, of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, of Annie Oakley and Belle Starr, and of many many others, all as told in the newspapers of the day, all illustrated with original photographs and sketches. Extraordinary and fascinating stuff. Highly recommended to anyone even moderately interested in the real story of the Wild West.

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. maj

    Det Vilde Vesten i ord og billeder

    Af James D. Horan & Paul Sann

    fra 1954Forlaget Fremad

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 220 kr

    Sideantal: 254
    Sprog: Dansk Indbinding: Helshirting med smudsomslag Tilstand: Pænt eksemplar (lille skade på smudsbind) Den sande historie om banditter, desperados, kvægtyve og bank-og togrøvere i det gamle vilde Vesten samt om de modige mænd, der tvang dem til at

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