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  1. Billede af bogen Shiba Inus

    Senest opdateret 16. maj

    Shiba Inus

    Af Laura Payton

    på forlaget Barron's

    ISBN: 978-0764-123-771

    Kategorier: Husdyr, Øvrige

    pris: 100 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 205 gram

    "Shiba Inus" is a Complete Pet Owner's Manual. This handsome, richly coated native of Japan is bold, courageous, and intensely loyal to its owner. It makes an excellent watchdog. High-quality photos are in color and line drawings are anatomically accurate. These fact-filled books instruct owners on how to care for dogs, cats, birds, fish, caged pets, reptiles, and virtually every other animal that people are likely to keep as a pet. Breeders, trainers, veterinarians and other pet-care specialists advise on purchasing, feeding, health care, training, grooming, and all other aspects of responsible pet ownership. With a Special Chapter: Selecting Your Shiba Inu. Paperback - 94 pages - New book.. Language: English

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