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  1. Billede af bogen Guide to Skin and Haircoat Problems in Dogs

    Senest opdateret 13. maj

    Guide to Skin and Haircoat Problems in Dogs

    Af Lowell Ackerman

    fra 1994 på forlaget Alpine Publications

    ISBN: 978-0931-866-654

    Kategorier: Biopati, Husdyr, Sundhed, Sygdom/sundhed

    pris: 115 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 520 gram

    Forty percent of all veterinary visits are prompted by skin problems. This valuable reference guide will help you identify problems and determine when to go to the vet. This book describes causes, symptoms and treatments for a wide variety of conditions. It covers everything from parasite and immune-related conditions to tumors, infections, allergies, and breed specific problems. Find answers, take effective action, and be able to communicate clearly with your vet with the help of this detailed work. Paperback - New - 182 pages. Language: English.

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