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Din søgning gav: 3 resultater
  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 26. maj

    Ayurveda i praksis. Hemmelighederne bag fysisk, seksuel og åndelig sundhed.

    Af Atreya

    1. udgave fra 2007 på forlaget sphinx

    ISBN: 9788777591556

    Kategorier: Spiritualitet, Sundhed

    pris: 195 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    2. oplag. 268 sider, illustreret i s/h., rigtig flot stand.

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    secrets of Ayurvedic Massage

    Af Atreya

    fra 2000 på forlaget Lotus Press

    ISBN: 0-914955-49-7

    Kategorier: Faglitteratur, Fysioterapi/Massage, Krop & sind

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    paperback. Massage is an integral part of the Ayurvedic system of health and healing, and Atreya Smith has taken a significant step forward in the ongoing process of introducing this subject to the West with his new book Ayurvedic Massage. Too often body work is considered in isolation from the mind that inhabits the body, but Atreya makes clear the need to bring into massage an explicit awareness of the breadth and complexity of the ways in which Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish and other related disciplines interconnect.

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  3. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 26. marts

    Ayurveda i Praksis

    Af Atreya

    fra 2001 på forlaget Sphinx

    Kategorier: Religion, Teologi

    pris: 255 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Indbinding: Hæftet

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