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Din søgning gav: 13 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Mont Blanc: Vejen til toppen af Europa

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Mont Blanc: Vejen til toppen af Europa

    Af Bo Belvedere Christensen

    fra 2013 på forlaget Gyldendal

    ISBN: 978-87-02-13381-3

    Kategorier: Idræt, Natur, Sport & fritid

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Mont Blanc er med sine 4810 meter toppen af Europa. Det er et fantastisk smukt bjerg midt i et højalpint område med nogle af Europas største gletsjere og omgivet af stejle, svært tilgængelige granittinder. Mont Blanc er en dramatisk og voldsom udfordring for bjergbestigere, ikke mindst fordi forholdene i bjergene lynhurtigt kan ændre sig. Derfor skal tilgangen til Mont Blanc ske med respekt. Den respekt har Bo Belvedere Christensen, som er en af Danmarks mest erfarne bjergbestigere og eventyrere. I bogen fortæller han egne Mont Blanc-historier, og samtidigt fortæller han hele bjergets historie. Kulturhistorie og dramatiske beretninger ­illustreret med forfatterens fantastiske fotos.

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  2. Billede af bogen The Human Side of Enterprise - Annotated Edition

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    The Human Side of Enterprise - Annotated Edition

    Af Douglas McGregor

    fra 2006 på forlaget McGraw-Hill

    ISBN: 0-07-146222-8

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 145 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    "What are your assumptions (implicit as well as explicit) about the most effective way to manage people?" So began Douglas McGregor in this 1960 management classic. It was a seemingly simple question he asked, yet it led to a fundamental revolution in management. Today, with the rise of the global economy, the information revolution, and the growth of knowledge-driven work, McGregor's simple but provocative question continues to resonate-perhaps more powerfully than ever before. Heralded as one of the most important pieces of management literature ever written, a touchstone for scholars and a handbook for practitioners, The Human Side of Enterprise continues to receive the highest accolades nearly half a century after its initial publication. Influencing such major management gurus such as Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, McGregor's revolutionary Theory Y-which contends that individuals are self-motivated and self-directed-and Theory X-in which employees must be commanded and controlled-has been widely taught in business schools, industrial relations schools, psychology departments, and professional development seminars for over four decades. In this special annotated edition of the worldwide management classic, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Senior Research Scientist in MIT's Sloan School of Management and Engineering Systems Division, shows us how today's leaders have successfully incorporated McGregor's methods into modern management styles and practices. The added quotes and commentary bring the content right into today's debates and business models.Now more than ever, the timeless wisdom of Douglas McGregor can light the path towards a management style that nurtures leadership capability, creates effective teams, ensures internal alignment, achieves high performance, and cultivates an authentic, value-driven workplace--lessons we all need to learn as we make our way in this brave new world of the 21st century.

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  3. Billede af bogen Lederskab - til borgernes bedste

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Lederskab - til borgernes bedste

    Af Christian S. Nissen

    1. udgave fra 2011 på forlaget Gyldendal

    Oplag: 1.

    ISBN: 978-87-02-09859-4

    Kategori: Ledelse & Management

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Lederskab - til borgerens bedste er skrevet af Christian S. Nissen med det formål at guide læseren til at gebærde sig i det offentliges ledelseslandskab. I bogen inddrager Nissen erfaringer fra sin egen karriere i seks forskellige offentlige organisationer, og beskriver de mange udfordringer, en offentlig leder kan støde på.

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  4. Billede af bogen The Lean Startup

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    The Lean Startup

    Af Eric Ries

    fra 2011 på forlaget Penguin

    ISBN: 978-0-670-92160-7

    Kategori: Ledelse & Management

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Most startups fail. But many of those failures are preventable. The Lean Startup is a new approach being adopted across the globe, changing the way companies are built and new products are launched. Eric Ries defines a startup as an organization dedicated to creating something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty. This is just as true for one person in a garage or a group of seasoned professionals in a Fortune 500 boardroom. What they have in common is a mission to penetrate that fog of uncertainty to discover a successful path to a sustainable business. The Lean Startup approach fosters companies that are both more capital efficient and that leverage human creativity more effectively. Inspired by lessons from lean manufacturing, it relies on "validated learning," rapid scientific experimentation, as well as a number of counter-intuitive practices that shorten product development cycles, measure actual progress without resorting to vanity metrics, and learn what customers really want. It enables a company to shift directions with agility, altering plans inch by inch, minute by minute. Rather than wasting time creating elaborate business plans, The Lean Startup offers entrepreneurs-in companies of all sizes-a way to test their vision continuously, to adapt and adjust before it's too late. Ries provides a scientific approach to creating and managing successful startups in a age when companies need to innovate more than ever.

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  5. Billede af bogen Servicedesign

    Senest opdateret 11. maj


    Af Søren Bechmann

    1. udgave fra 2010Hans Reitzels Forlag

    Oplag: 3.

    ISBN: 987-87-7675-776-2

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 195 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    I mange år har man forsøgt at anvende branding til produktdifferentiering. Men produkterne er ofte fuldstændig ens. Og nye produkter er i bedste fald blot nye udgaver af gamle. Internationalt har mange virksomheder indset at service design er en anden og mere farbar vej til differentiering. Samt en vej til bedre brugeroplevelser, tættere kunderelationer, effektivisering og forstærket konkurrencekraft. Servicedesign drejer sig om at forstå kunder og skabe gode oplevelser for dem. Om at udvikle nye serviceydelser såvel som forbedre eksisterende. Samt om at gøre ydelserne efterspurgte af kunder og effektive for virksomheder. Servicedesign er en lærebog til videregående uddannelser inden for bl.a. salg og markedsføring samt kommunikation, som vil sætte den studerende i stand til hjælpe virksomheder til at arbejde med deres serviceydelser, produkter og kunder på en mere effektiv måde.

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  6. Billede af bogen I Want You to Cheat!: The Unreasonable Guide to Service and Quality in Organisations

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    I Want You to Cheat!: The Unreasonable Guide to Service and Quality in Organisations

    Af John Seddon

    fra 2007 på forlaget Vanguard Education

    ISBN: 978-0-951973-10-3

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Illustrates many key principles which need to be understood when improving the performance of organisations.

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  7. Billede af bogen Sæt borgeren i spil - sådan involverer du borgere og virksomheder i offentlig innovation

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Sæt borgeren i spil - sådan involverer du borgere og virksomheder i offentlig innovation

    Af Sune Knudsen, Søren Sebastian Toft & Christian Bason

    1. udgave fra 2009 på forlaget Gyldendal Business

    Oplag: 8.

    ISBN: 978-87-02-07427-7

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    “Sæt borgeren i spil” er en bog, som henvender sig til de fagfolk, som i deres daglige virke arbejder med borgerne i det danske samfund. Bogen har fokus på at give de offentlige institutioner redskaberne til, på bedste vis, at guide og udløse borgernes ressourcer. Værktøjerne, som bliver givet i bogen, er med til at styrke medarbejderne og lederne i deres evne til at tage hånd om den proces, som de alle sammen befinder sig i. I “Sæt borgeren i spil” bliver der tegnet et billede af borgerne, deres tanker, oplevelser og perspektiv. Dette billede kan i høj grad være effektiv for de medarbejdere og ledere, som skal kommunikere med borgerne i det daglige.

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  8. Billede af bogen Systems Thinking in the Public Sector: The Failure of the Reform Regime... and a Manifesto for a Better Way

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Systems Thinking in the Public Sector: The Failure of the Reform Regime... and a Manifesto for a Better Way

    Af John Seddon

    1. udgave fra 2008 på forlaget Triarchy Press

    ISBN: 978-0-9550081-8-4

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    The free market has become the accepted model for the public sector. Politicians on all sides compete to spread the gospel. And so, in the UK and elsewhere, there's been massive investment in public sector 'improvement', 'customer choice' has been increased and new targets have been set and refined. But our experience is that things haven't changed much. This is because governments have invested in the wrong things. Belief in targets, incentives and inspection; belief in economies of scale and shared back-office services; belief in 'deliverology... these are all wrong-headed ideas and yet they have underpinned this government's attempts to reform the public sector. John Seddon here dissects the changes that have been made in a range of services, including housing benefits, social care and policing. His descriptions beggar belief, though they would be funnier if it wasn't our money that was being wasted. In place of the current mess, he advocates a Systems Thinking approach where individuals come first, waste is reduced and responsibility replaces blame. It's an approach that is proven, successful and relatively cheap - and one that governments around the world, and their advisers, need to adopt urgently. "A refreshing deconstruction of the control freakery of the current performance regime. It could do for thinking on business improvement what An Inconvenient Truth has done for climate change." Andrew Grant, Chief Executive, Aylesbury Vale District Council "This is the must-have book. It correctly identifies why the present regime is failing our citizens and customers, but more importantly it gives the reader a proven method by which to bring about real improvement in service performance and cost." Dr Carlton Brand, Director of Resources, Wiltshire County Council "This book is uncomfortable, challenging and very direct. It offers huge learning and insight... A superb read." David McQuade, Deputy Chief Executive, Flagship Housing Group "If ministers, local authority leaders and chief executives only read one book this year this is it. A true beacon of sanity in an increasingly insane regime; ministers should read this and recognise the error of their ways." Mark Radford, Director of Corporate Services, Swale District Council

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  9. Billede af bogen How to be a Quantitative Ecologist

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    How to be a Quantitative Ecologist

    Af Jason Matthiopoulos

    1. udgave fra 2011 på forlaget Wiley

    ISBN: 978-0-470-69979-9

    Kategori: Matematik

    pris: 270 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Ecological research is becoming increasingly quantitative, yet students often opt out of courses in mathematics and statistics, unwittingly limiting their ability to carry out research in the future. This textbook provides a practical introduction to quantitative ecology for students and practitioners who have realised that they need this opportunity. The text is addressed to readers who haven't used mathematics since school, who were perhaps more confused than enlightened by their undergraduate lectures in statistics and who have never used a computer for much more than word processing and data entry. From this starting point, it slowly but surely instils an understanding of mathematics, statistics and programming, sufficient for initiating research in ecology. The book's practical value is enhanced by extensive use of biological examples and the computer language R for graphics, programming and data analysis. Key Features: Provides a complete introduction to mathematics statistics and computing for ecologists. Presents a wealth of ecological examples demonstrating the applied relevance of abstract mathematical concepts, showing how a little technique can go a long way in answering interesting ecological questions. Covers elementary topics, including the rules of algebra, logarithms, geometry, calculus, descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing and linear regression. Explores more advanced topics including fractals, non-linear dynamical systems, likelihood and Bayesian estimation, generalised linear, mixed and additive models, and multivariate statistics. R boxes provide step-by-step recipes for implementing the graphical and numerical techniques outlined in each section. How to be a Quantitative Ecologist provides a comprehensive introduction to mathematics, statistics and computing and is the ideal textbook for late undergraduate and postgraduate courses in environmental biology.

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  10. Billede af bogen Mathematical Biology

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Mathematical Biology

    Af James D. Murray

    2. udgave fra 1993 på forlaget Springer

    Oplag: 1.

    ISBN: 3-540-57204-X

    Kategori: Matematik

    pris: 270 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Mathematics has always benefited from its involvement with developing sciences. Each successive interaction revitalises and enhances the field. Biomedical science is clearly the premier science of the foreseeable future. For the continuing health of their subject mathematicians must become involved with biology. With the example of how mathematics has benefited from and influenced physics, it is clear that if mathematicians do not become involved in the biosciences they will simply not be a part of what are likely to be the most important and exciting scientific discoveries of all time. Mathematical biology is a fast growing, well recognised, albeit not clearly defined, subject and is, to my mind, the most exciting modern application of mathematics. The increasing use of mathematics in biology is inevitable as biol­ ogy becomes more quantitative. The complexity of the biological sciences makes interdisciplinary involvement essential. For the mathematician, biology opens up new and exciting branches while for the biologist mathematical modelling offers another research tool commmensurate with a new powerful laboratory technique but only if used appropriately and its limitations recognised. However, the use of esoteric mathematics arrogantly applied to biological problems by mathemati­ cians who know little about the real biology, together with unsubstantiated claims as to how important such theories are, does little to promote the interdisciplinary involvement which is so essential. Mathematical biology research, to be useful and interesting, must be relevant biologically.

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