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  1. Billede af bogen British Army Handbook, 1914-1918

    Senest opdateret 15. april

    British Army Handbook, 1914-1918

    Af Andrew Rawson

    fra 2006 på forlaget Sutton Pub Limited

    ISBN: 07-5093-745-9

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 170 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Comprised of Regulars, Territorials, Kitchener's 'New Army' volunteers and conscripts, the British Army of the First World War reached a strength of over 7 million men. In this book, Andrew Rawson explores doctrine, training, communications, strategy and tactics, and investigates all aspects of the soldier's everyday life. 376 pages, illustrated, hard cover, very good, with dust jacket

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