Søg efter bog

Din søgning gav: 2 resultater
  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 25. april

    The Triumph of Art at Thorvaldsens Museum

    Af John Henderson

    1. udgave fra 2005 på forlaget Museum Tusculanum Press

    ISBN: 87-635-0132-5

    Kategorier: Kunst & kultur, Kunsthistorie

    pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Bog om frisen rundt om Thorvaldsens Museum i København. Illustreret. engelsk. 117 sider

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  2. Billede af bogen Classical Art

    Senest opdateret 16. maj

    Classical Art

    Af John Henderson

    fra 2001 på forlaget Oxford University Press, USA

    ISBN: 01-9284-237-4

    pris: 75 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    'The book is part of a series of introductory studies intended to bring the latest developments in art history to students and general readers. But it offers something new to the specialist reader too [...] the quantity of illustrations is impressive for such a slim and inexpensive book ...Classical Art is illuminating, playful, provocative, and often (literally) iconoclastic' -Times Higher Education Supplement

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