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  1. Billede af bogen Macroeconomics

    Senest opdateret 5. marts


    Af Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, Richard Startz

    9. udgave fra 2004 på forlaget McGraw-Hill

    ISBN: 00-7123-237-0

    pris: 170 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 1000 gram

    Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz has been a long-standing, leading intermediate macroeconomic theory text since its introduction in 1978. This revision retains most of the text's traditional features, including a middle-of-the-road approach and very current research, while updating and simplifying the exposition. This revision focuses on making the text even easier to teach from. The only pre-requisite continues to be principles of economics. Nogle highlights men ellers i god stand. Kan afhentes i Søborg eller sendes.

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