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  1. Billede af bogen Earl Mindell's Nutrition & Health for Dogs

    Senest opdateret 11. maj

    Earl Mindell's Nutrition & Health for Dogs

    Af Earl Mindell & Elizabeth Renaghan

    fra 1998 på forlaget Prima Publishing

    ISBN: 978-0761-511-588

    Kategorier: Biopati, Husdyr, Sundhed

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 600 gram

    "Nutrition & Health for Dogs": Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy with Natural Preventative Care and Remedies. Just like humans, dogs require exercise and proper nutrition to keep them in top physical form. With its clear, logical layout, handy graphs, and glossary, Earl Mindell's Nutrition and Health for Dogs will help you add years of healthy and happy living to your dog's life. Paperback - 324 sider. Enkelte understregninger. Sprog: Engelsk.

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