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  1. Billede af bogen Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition

    Senest opdateret 18. maj

    Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition

    Af Pascale Pibot, Vincent Biourge and Denise Elliott

    fra 2006 på forlaget Aniwa SAS (Royal Canin)

    Kategorier: Engelsk, Ernæringsvidenskab, Husdyr, Sundhed

    pris: 200 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 2700 gram

    This book is truly an encyclopedia in the sense that it covers the many aspects in which canine nutrition impacts the disease process. It is a collaboration of 23 authors from six countries representing the most prestigious veterinary medical schools. The book begins with the most common canine disease, that of obesity, followed by dermatological challenges, digestive disease, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, and cardiovascular disease, among others, ending with the social role of food and behavioral pathologies and integration of nutrition into clinical practice. "Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition" will also be useful to veterinary technicians, veterinary students and practicing clinicians focused on the use of nutrition as a form of treatment as well as disease prevention. Hardcover - 494 pages. Language: English.

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