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Billede af bogen Rosslyn  - Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail

Senest opdateret 9. marts

Rosslyn - Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail

Af Tim Wallace-Murphy, Marilyn Hopkins

fra 2000 på forlaget Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 97800071332073

Kategorier: New Age, Okkultisme, Samfundsvidenskab

pris: 64 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 324 gram

It is said that Rosslyn Chapel is the last resting place of the Holy Grail and that the fabulous treasure is buried in its secret vaults. This text is the story of this mysterious chapel in Scotland, taking the reader on a voyage of discovery. The first book to explore the existence of a configuration of seven pre-Christian sites which formed the route of a pilgrimage of initiation used by Druids, Knights Templar and Christian Mystics in their search for true knowledge and enlightenment. Beginning at Compostela in Spain, the voyage of discovery proceeds to Tolouse, Orleans, Chartres, Paris and Amiens, taking us deep into a mysterious world where hidden streams of spirituality flow beneath the surface of European history, profoundly influencing the evolution of Western thought. The journey ends at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, where the history of its founders, the Sinclair family, illuminates the revelations of Rosslyn and their signifance for us today.

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