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Billede af bogen Critical Perspectives on the Internet

Senest opdateret 1. april

Critical Perspectives on the Internet

Af Greg Elmer

fra 2002 på forlaget Rowman & Littlefield

ISBN: 07-4251-132-4

Kategorier: Datalogi, IT, Kommunikation

pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

This critical reader of original essays places the boom and bust years of the Internet in a broad cultural context. Exploring the world of html, web browsers, cookies, online net guides, portals, and Internet service providers, this text includes the history of the Internet, interesting case studies and discussions on online community, user inequalities, and governance. Within the larger issues of technological infrastructure, government policy, and globalization, Critical Perspectives on the Internet highlights both the limitations and possibilities of everyday Internet use. Does the net function as a space for radical social and political change? For challenging established media? What opportunities lie in the cracks and crevasses of net structure? With its critical agenda for Internet studies, this text is a valuable tool for upper-level courses on the Internet, online communication, computer-mediated communication, communication and information technologies, and media and politics.

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